Blowjob Done Right; Pleasing Your Man with Oral Sex

No sex technique says “I love you” quite the way that a blowjob does.

Some people love performing blowjobs, and some don’t. Many who don’t are not confident of their skills. In some cases, they’ve been with a lover (or lovers) who didn’t respond to their oral ministrations. Giving blowjobs is a learned skill; and you can learn it. I will show you how to take your partner someplace they have maybe never been before.

You will get so much from performing a blowjob on him, including:

• Increased sexual confidence

• Greater sense of your feminine power

• And my promise to both you and your lover is this: the relationship will feel new and exciting again.

What compares to the warmth of your breath, the wet sucking of your mouth, the firmness of your tongue?

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